Dr Boldt Camilla Leanne

Dr Boldt Camilla Leanne

  • 2 recommendations

About Dr Boldt Camilla Leanne

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Recommendations on the doctor Boldt Camilla Leanne

Skip – 11 September 2014 :

It would be difficult to find a better doctor than Camilla Boldt. She took the time to explain my condition and she clearly knows her stuff. I received a thorough diagnosis and a sensible plan to treat it. Not only that, but she went the extra mile to make me feel well-taken care of. I would recommend Dr. Boldt without hesitation.

Penny – 14 July 2013 :

Dr. Boldt is the best hemotlogist I've ever met. I have worked in the medical arena myself for over 20 years and so have met a number of Doctors of this specialty. Since 2000, I have been under her very capable care, with some of those years also with another wonderful Doctor who was also very capable, caring and obviously well educated and prepared for the complicated challenges that some of us patients with blood disorders require in order to live life as normallyh as possible. Camella always takes the time to make certain I understand my condition and the medications used. She is truly competent which in turm raises my level of confidence in knowing trhat I am getting the very best care and advice that is possible. My care during the physician changeover was totally seamless and caused absolutely no stress.

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