Dr Massey Andrea
Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist

Dr Massey Andrea

  • 4 recommendations
  • Primary address
    St Paul's Hospital
    Comox Building
    Room 435-1081 Burrard St
    Vancouver V6Z 1Y6
    British Columbia
    See on the map
  • Phone :

About Dr Massey Andrea

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Recommendations on the doctor Massey Andrea

KG – 13 May 2022 :

Highly, highly, highly recommended. I was referred to D. Massey for a consultation and a minor surgical procedure. She has an outstanding bedside manner - she listens, makes a genuine connection, and discusses information at the appropriate level. She has an excellent team as well, and considers patient pain and side effect tolerance well in advance to keep you comfortable. The surgery and recovery went very well. She demonstrates caring throughout the whole process.

Ana – 10 May 2016 :

I was admitted in ER and I was the luckiest patient to have had the honor and privileged to be taken care by Dr Massey. She is an EXTRAORDINARY surgeon. Did I say EXTRAORDINARY. The word does not describe the amazing surgeon Dr. Massey is. We are so blessed to have you in Vancouver BC. Dr. Thank you

Nedra – 22 February 2014 :

Dr. Massey was a locum for the Ob/Gyn my GP referred me to. I saw her for a consultation and a minor surgical procedure. She has an outstanding bedside manner - she listens, makes a genuine connection, and discusses information at the appropriate level. The surgery and recovery went well. She demonstrates caring throughout the whole process, and I was a bit disappointed when the doc she was covering for came back. Exceptional physician.

Nicki – 30 July 2013 :

Dr Massey, is not only a fantastic surgeon but she is one of the doctors that believes that a bedside manner and aftercare is just as important as the operation itself. Dr Massey put me at ease immediately as soon as I met her, this meant a huge amount to me as I was in ER and my diagnosis was unknown. She was professional, knowledgeable and exceptionally caring. I am beyond grateful to have had her as my doctor.

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