306 doctors found
Psychiatrists at Vancouver
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Dr Sadrehashemi Ladan
Psychiatric Assessment Unit Vancouver General Hospital 855 12 Ave W - V5Z 1M9 Vancouver
Dr MacFadden Megan Elaine
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Centre 11th Floor 2775 Laurel Street - V5Z 1M9 Vancouver
Dr Wrixon Katherine Jane
2 North Psychiatry Unit St. Paul's Hospital 1081 Burrard St - V6Z 1Y6 Vancouver
Dr Raina Raj Brinder Singh
Van. Hospital & Hlth. Sc. Ctr. 715 12 Ave W - V5Z 1M9 Vancouver
Dr Wilkins-Ho Michael Chi Fai
Michael Wilkins-Ho, MD, FRCPC VGH Centennial Pavilion, 5th Floor 855 12th Ave W - V5Z1M9 Vancouver
Dr Cameron Kristjana Gene
UBC - Mood Disorders Centre Room 2C7, Detwiller Pavillion 255 Wesbrook Mall - V6T 2A1 Vancouver
Dr Hutnyk David Justin
Brief Intervention Unit Vancouver General Hospital 715 12 Ave W - V5Z 1M9 Vancouver
Dr Jones Russet Lynne
BC Children's Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Out Patient Dept. 4450 Oak St - V6H 3V5 Vancouver
Dr Nazif Anna
St. Paul's Hospital Psychiatry Outpatient Department Rm 2B-183-1081 Burrard St - V6Z 1Y6 Vancouver
Dr Lu Shao-Hua
Dept. of Psychiatry Vancouver General Hospital 8157B- 2775 Laurel St - V5Z 1M9 Vancouver
Dr Burrell Erin Colleen
UBC Faculty of Medicine; Department of Psychiatry Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 11163-2775 Laurel St - V5Z 1M9 Vancouver